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Exciting moments in life!

Today is part of my journey that is VERY exciting for me. It's a challenging step that will daily push me to next-level me. What's kinda funny is that you're reading my topic for Day 2! Have you figured it out yet? No? Well, let me tell you. :)

I've always wanted to blog but felt like who gives a rip about me? My thoughts, my life, my journey and my craziness that all makes me, ME. Throughout the last few months with LuLaRoe and an increasing desire to give back to the community I've discovered a part of my life's mission that goes beyond Hannah: to share my story with the anticipation of helping others. Hence this site was birthed. I want women to feel beautiful JUST. AS. YOU. ARE. No exceptions. No questions. No excuses. Be confident as you are. Love yourself and allow yourself to be loved.

While today's entry is rather short and sweet it's very accurate for my hearts' passion ladies. Will you journey with me this month in loving yourself? Give yourself permission to go beyond the barriers. Give yourself permission to DESTROY THE NOISE. If it doesn't feed your soul, encourage you to become stronger, uplift you, enlighten you then destroy it. Push it out. Is it watching t.v. everyday that's dragging into you a slump? Is it sitting with a certain coworker at lunchtime that is keeping you from reaching your goals? What's the noise in your life that needs to go? I encourage you to think, meditate, pray and consider the pieces of your life that are noise and are preventing you from becoming the best version of yourself and push them out!



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